
Life is a dynamic process. We are growing and changing all the time. It is our resistance to this dynamism that creates our suffering:  our resistance to change, our desire to hold onto what has been, and our fear of the unknown. We often get stuck in the middle space, hanging somewhere between the old paradigm and the new — that space where who we were no longer fits, and who we are becoming feels uncertain and mysterious.

Perhaps something has propelled us into the unknown…an external event that took us by surprise and changed everything. Or something inside us is coming alive, whispering in our ear to take a risk or make a change.  As we cling to the old, we find it does not satisfy us the way it used to. It does not keep us safe. We feel a sense of longing pulling us somewhere else, or a restlessness for something more. The old structures don’t fit – like clothes we’ve outgrown or no longer enjoy. It is our fear of stepping out of our comfort zone and our desire for the known and the predictable, that keeps us shackled to an outdated way of being.

It is our desire to cling to the structures of our lives that keeps us from seeing that we are already moving forward!  When we realize that we are in motion and that this is in alignment with something much deeper in us, we can start to embrace the change and work with it.  And create something new and alive that brings us closer to our dreams and closer to ourselves.

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